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since the address is different, I doubt that your car uses the same codes as my car.
However, try these 2 codes, if they work I'll send you all the others:

engine RPM:
query: 03 22 D4 00
reply: 05 62 D4 00 xx yy ->unscaled RPM

water temperature:
query: 03 22 D4 0A
reply: 05 62 D4 0A 00 xx-> unscaled water temperature in °C
does not work for my ecu .

i found an application on android runs with the chip elm327 and offers functions that approaches the diagbox without the telemetry

Cliquez sur l'image pour l'afficher en taille normale

Nom : 20170621_151243.png 
Affichages : 342 
Taille : 576.1 Ko 
ID : 15491

I got a diagbox and after testing the oil temperature is wel presented in the engine calculator that returns the information to the BSI

Cliquez sur l'image pour l'afficher en taille normale

Nom : bsi2010 information moteur 208 gti.PNG 
Affichages : 152 
Taille : 145.9 Ko 
ID : 15492